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This is a simple table to compare checking accounts from various banks. A lot of banks have special offers and accounts for higher school or college students so definitely take advantage if you are still eligible. Online banks such as Simple are a great option if you want low or no fees and can handle not being able to withdraw or deposit cash at a physical location.
Name | Min. Balance | Interest Rate | Fee |
Bank of America Core CheckingA standard checking account that is free for students under the age of 23 | $25 | 0% | $12 per mo |
Bank of America Interest CheckingA checking account that earns interest for those with higher balances | $100 | 0.01% | $25 per mo |
Chase High School/College CheckingChecking accounts designed for high school and college students | $25 | 0% | $6 per mo |
Chase Total CheckingYour standard checking account | $25 | 0% | $12 per mo |
Wells Fargo Everyday CheckingYour standard checking account with a $5/month discount if are 17-24 yrs old | $25 | 0% | |
Wells Fargo Preferred CheckingA checking account that earns interest for those with higher balances | $25 | 0.01% | $15 per mo |
SimpleCompletely free online bank designed with easy of use and saving money in mind | $0 | 0% | Free |